Azoth Systems O'Dive CCR

  • $1,050.00


O’Dive CCR helps you better analyse the quality of your technical diving practice and improve your safety towards sickness decompression.

O’Dive CCR addresses particularly to technical divers diving with trimix to 85 meters depth (in open circuit or with a rebreather), as well as with air or nitrox.

For the first time in the world, you can analyse and personalise your diving procedure considering at the same time the circulating microbubbles detected post-dive in your body and your dive profile.

Unlimited user accounts
Free and unlimited dive analyses for the owner of the system (and a person of his or her choice)

For additional users: a total volume of 30 dive analyses are offered with the sensor, then dive analysis from 5$.

Decompression, a field to explore

For a 30-minute air dive at 30 metres and based on a standard level of conservatism (L0), divers can be offered 12 to 21 minutes of decompression stops depending on the model of their computer. This range extends from 8 to 50 minutes if all available settings are considered.

Given the diversity of decompression algorithms and the number of possible settings, divers have no tangible criteria to assess the level of suitability of their procedures to their own body.

A detailed outcome

O’Dive includes a robust, compact vascular microbubble sensor (ultrasonic Doppler technology) connected to a server with specialised analysis capabilities.

After the dive, divers place the sensor for twenty seconds under their left then right clavicle; they enter their dive parameters on the O’Dive application and synchronise their data.

About an hour later, they can visualise a personal QI index which value, between 0 and 100%, reflects the quality of their decompression.

When the quality index QI does not reach 100%, divers can access detailed information specifying the part of their result attributable to the severity of the dive itself (parameters) and the part attributable to the level of detected vascular microbubbles.

An appropriate customization

Divers can also measure, by means of a simulation that is entirely theirs, the added value of several options on their practice:

  • Extend the duration of the last stop; breathe a nitrox richer in oxygen at stops or dive with nitrox; change the Gradient Factors (with the possibility of combining all these options);
  • For Trimix open-circuit diving: change the bottom mix
  • For Trimix closed-circuit diving: change the bottom mix, and the bottom and stops oxygen partial pressure.

Developed over 10 years of research

O’Dive is the result of knowledge acquired over 10 years of research and development by Azoth Systems in collaboration with laboratories, diving doctors, physiologists and diving safety professionals.

About thirty experts from various backgrounds contributed to this knowledge. It is based on the analysis of hundreds of thousands of dives and the development of a technology shaped by years of user testing.

This momentum has given rise to 4 research theses, numerous scientific articles and several patents.